I read the Australian papers, l watch CNN and hear of the collapsing world, the end is nigh, ohhh lord why does thee forsake me stuff, and then l walk out the door and all is as normal. Italians, or maybe Bolognese wont accept it , or maybe they don't watch CNN, who can blame them. Either way, they walk the streets with their shopping label bags of desire, they are in the bars chatting over a expresso and brioche, the osteria's are full, even the street beggers are not complaining. The weather has been unseasonally good, the streets are lined with wonderful christmas lights and decorations, maybe they listened to Gerard Harvey when he said if we all woke up the next morning and said what crisis and just acted as normal , it would be normal.
Next issue of thought, l went to my bank yesterday to transfer some funds back to Australia, as l am a bit nervous that some of the many banks here may come into some difficulty, and the staff member who does international transfers was not there, so a kind women had a go, then said "computer say no" best to come back tomorrow. So l came back today and the women who does the transfers was there, l explained what l wanted to do, then she said yes, would you like to do that now!, of course my mind said something sarcastic, but my mouth, said that would be great. And that is Italy now, then and always, there is always tomorrow to pay off the national debt, the national bonds are at record highs, but maybe they wont be tomorrow.!
Now there are so many great things about Italy, and l rarely like to complain, as l am a guest and this is Italy, but it is true the Romans gave us roads, aquaducts, and syphillis, but what they did not give and have no idea about is supermarkets. Now we mainly shop at the local speciality stores, but occasionally we do the big shop for toilet paper, toothpaste, and a million other things you didn't know you needed. And the problem l have is the aisles are too thin, there seems to be no rhyme or reason to where things are put, people happily chat away in the middle of the isle oblivious to you wanting to get past, the check out areas are too small, and the area where the food pass's to be packed by yourself is tiny, and the check out chick is way too fast, so the food piles up, and always the bread and avocado is on the bottom, even when l put them on last. So l go into a panic and go as quick as l can to fill my eco bags, but there is just not enough room, the food keeps piling up, in fact l think there are foods we have not even purchased thrown in by some evil doer just to keep me mad. Then comes the bill, no matter what it is you end up with lots of coins, mainly copper, they still have 1,2,5 cent coins, why?
That said, life is wonderful here and l agree with most other forms of shopping.
I turn 49 tomorrow, and today l am dressed as Woody from Toy Story, make what you will with that.
Just found out we have to purchase "winter tyres" something new for me, apparently winter can be rather slippery and snow, now l hope it is not just over kill, but we are getting some Bridgestone Blizzards, which sound great, but l fear too much went into the marketing of these tyres as the price is rather high. We are off to Cortina ( a name that says wonderful snow, views and skiing, but also an average popular car) in our Honda, with BLIZZARD tyres which l am sure we will need there. So this christmas will be white, we are staying in an apartment in the town, sharing it with some lovely Italian friends we have made here.
Hunter has a friend who made 200 euro doing some photos for Armani Kids, he now is very keen to do some modeling, and every day asks if we can go there so he can do it and get the money. He has also instructed me to put the money in a bank account. On the other side, Ewan is carrying around right now a soft santa that plays "you better watch out, santa claus is coming to town" and asking do you think he will get as many presents as last year. He is not asking me to place his money in a bank account, as he spends it too quickly.
Jayne bought some very expensive looking boots yesterday, put them on and asked me what l thought, l liked them ,but worried about the cost, she said she got them for 40 euro, l love them now!
Tonight we had another great meal by Jayne, rabbit ragu, so here we are eating fine rabbit, while back home l have given instructions to put out bait to kill them at Teneriffe.
I found a new studio finally, Via Remorsella, 13a, it used to be a doctors room, it has a small reception area with windows to the road on two sides, so good light, l will use this more for display and doing small works, then through a door to a larger room, but not large where l will paint. In the back there is a toilet, and large wash basin, this area also has natural light, and electric security cage over the windows. It is a few minutes walk from the house, all under cover, quite street, so l should not have too many people peering in the windows. Looking forward to getting back into a studio, doing the small works on cardboard has been good, and l am sure will lead into bigger and better things. I love cardboard, l have become quite the connoisseur about the qualities and texture, and can often be seen going through the bins of Bologna.
The Dowds in Bologna

A time past in Arezzo
The 8 Gang
Family at San Cesario de Lecce
mercoledì 30 novembre 2011
domenica 20 novembre 2011
Bologna, bellissimo
Bologna, the city that keeps on giving. Well the christmas decorations are starting to spring up, thank fully no silly old santas in the windows, but some shops have put some incredible effort in their displays, like the Myer windows but on a smaller level. But what really has been extravagant is the chocolate fair that has come to Piazza Maggiore , 70 stands, selling, displaying the best chocolate and most amazing ideas. There is chocolate in all sorts of shapes, forms and styles, there is chocolate as a large spinning lamb kebab, that they carve of slices of chocolate. Chocolate in the form of salami, bread rolls, parmesan cheese, every possible character, mobile phones, cameras, rusty old tool from long forgotten sheds. On the fashion side, shoes formed into stilettos, handbags, runners, shirt and ties. There are so many variations of hot chocolate , white, dark, milk, hazelnut, nutella and hybrids. There of course is the small delicate pieces that nanna likes to get for christmas, and willy wonker wrapped blocks. The question is where to start and when to stop, neither l have done well, who thought l could have spent 35 euro at one stand for myself. The fair has gone for 4 days, and happens every year, great for christmas presents.
The temperature has now dropped down to 10 - 12 during the days, but often with sunshine, and down to 0-3 during the night, but the streets are still full of people in their puffy jackets, l'd love a dime for every puffy jacket, I'm sure they have a better name for it as that does not sound so cool.
Now yesterday we all went on the train to Florence, nice city!
The Duomo really could use a clean, the amount of dark mould or acid rain effect was very disappointing, and i've seen better interiors. The Uffizi was something else, besides no cue to get in and finally able to use our residence cards to get cheaper tickets, made me look at the poor tourists paying the 4 euros more in a way that felt good. The art is famous, and there was no disappointment, l especially liked Botticelli pictures, particularly Spring, there was a El Greco, which speaks for itself and a few Caravaggio's. There were two Venetian painters , Jacapo Zucchi and Jacapo Chimenti who l found interesting and the Tintoretto portraits. I picked up a book by Georgio Vasari, about the lives of artists of the time, he himself was an artist and friend of the Medici's. Of course there is all the sculptures and the views along the river and on to Ponte Vecchio, so that made it a very good day for me.
My main interest in going to Florence was to see Cellini's "Perseus" in the Loggia della Signoria, it did not let me down, surrounded by other great works (Hercules and Nessus by Giambologna), it is an amazing porch! and should never be missed.
Maybe l am becoming a bit loyal to Bologna, but l found Florence so so, obviously except for the Uffizi. l missed the portico's, and it really is a tourist city, which is good in the manner that it is clean, but everyone speaks English, and though it is comfortable, it does not help to learn, and makes you feel you are at Disneyland.
It takes just over 30 minutes to get there from Bologna on the fast train, and cost us 132 euro for the family return.
Next time l want to visit the house of Rodolfo Siviero, a man who helped return many of the stolen artworks back from Germany to Italy, many of which are in the Uffici.
Tomorrow l see another possible studio, so fingers crossed, l have now set up a table in the entry of the house and painting on horse scenes cardboard, its amazing how many horses you see in art, still have no interest in riding them, and think you have to be crazy to want to have them, but they are great to paint, and you can always find some statue of a bloke on one in every city.
The temperature has now dropped down to 10 - 12 during the days, but often with sunshine, and down to 0-3 during the night, but the streets are still full of people in their puffy jackets, l'd love a dime for every puffy jacket, I'm sure they have a better name for it as that does not sound so cool.
Now yesterday we all went on the train to Florence, nice city!
The Duomo really could use a clean, the amount of dark mould or acid rain effect was very disappointing, and i've seen better interiors. The Uffizi was something else, besides no cue to get in and finally able to use our residence cards to get cheaper tickets, made me look at the poor tourists paying the 4 euros more in a way that felt good. The art is famous, and there was no disappointment, l especially liked Botticelli pictures, particularly Spring, there was a El Greco, which speaks for itself and a few Caravaggio's. There were two Venetian painters , Jacapo Zucchi and Jacapo Chimenti who l found interesting and the Tintoretto portraits. I picked up a book by Georgio Vasari, about the lives of artists of the time, he himself was an artist and friend of the Medici's. Of course there is all the sculptures and the views along the river and on to Ponte Vecchio, so that made it a very good day for me.
My main interest in going to Florence was to see Cellini's "Perseus" in the Loggia della Signoria, it did not let me down, surrounded by other great works (Hercules and Nessus by Giambologna), it is an amazing porch! and should never be missed.
Maybe l am becoming a bit loyal to Bologna, but l found Florence so so, obviously except for the Uffizi. l missed the portico's, and it really is a tourist city, which is good in the manner that it is clean, but everyone speaks English, and though it is comfortable, it does not help to learn, and makes you feel you are at Disneyland.
It takes just over 30 minutes to get there from Bologna on the fast train, and cost us 132 euro for the family return.
Next time l want to visit the house of Rodolfo Siviero, a man who helped return many of the stolen artworks back from Germany to Italy, many of which are in the Uffici.
Tomorrow l see another possible studio, so fingers crossed, l have now set up a table in the entry of the house and painting on horse scenes cardboard, its amazing how many horses you see in art, still have no interest in riding them, and think you have to be crazy to want to have them, but they are great to paint, and you can always find some statue of a bloke on one in every city.
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