Life is life here, as l said to someone recently, we are on an adventure, not holiday. I go to the studio everyday, like normal, we shop at the supermarket, fill up with fuel at the station, the boys go to school and have homework. So the blog posts are fewer now, as l am used to being here, that being said we are off to Treviso region for the weekend, so l am sure l will have something to say soon, and hopefully to Citta di Castello the following weekend to see the Alberto Burri museum.
But l wanted just to chat about the boys of late, because they consistently amaze me. Hunter has taken to sleeping with a plastic chive plant, l asked why, he says he likes the feeling of the chives across him, as he brushes it against him, it helps him sleep. Ewan still has "ducky", Hunter has "chivey"
Hunter recently said to Jayne, when she said to him, why are you so annoying to us sometimes, he said "its my job". Ewan came to me a few days ago, and said dad you know those converse shoes we saw at the shop that were on sale, because there was only one size left, the size up from my size, l said yes, not really knowing where or what we were saying or going, well he said can we go back to that shop and get them, because l am scared they may go, and l can keep them in the cupboard for next year. Earlier that day he told Jayne not to buy something because it was too expensive.
The boys do an art class every friday night with Antonio the maestro, they take it very seriously, and recently bought home their first oil paintings which he framed for them, l must say they are brilliant, Hunters is a still life and Ewans is a copy from a Hockney, typical because of his love of colour and design, and Hunter has quite a natural understanding to line and form. This has led to Hunter asking to talk to me, but telling Jayne it was personal, he then asked me could he get a studio! I said l will think about it, this morning l said he could have the front part of my studio, that l use as a gallery. He smiled, and said now he has a job, and will sell his art!! Which is alot better than me!
Hunter has been rather frustrating lately, and it is driving Ewan mad, to the point that he said to Jayne why did you have to have laid him?
The boys are the best dressed kids in Bologna, l will attach a photo of them on their scooters last weekend, along with their cloths which they picked to wear.
They are still doing drama after school, and love it, especially Hunter, Ewan though we have to sometimes drag him to the piano which he plays well, and has a great ear for music, like Jayne often humming or singing to himself.
Ewan got an award last week, for most improved, it was pointed out that since he got in trouble for throwing a ball at the headmaster, he had made every effort to improve in his school work and behavior, well done scrump. Hunter got an award for fruit monitor, which if l am not wrong l got a similar award for as milk monitor back at Camberwell Grammar.
Both of them have improved dramatically in their Italian, often telling me what the person just said to me.
They have started going to swimming club, in their very cool," Funkies" an Australian swim label. The only problem is it is indoors. Soccer, or calcio finishes soon, and next year we are joining a new club, which is a'lot better organized and serviced, though l will miss seeing their coach yelling at them, calling Ewan Hunter, and Hunter Ewan.
They go soon on a three day camp with the school, which of course they are looking forward to, one child is not going as her mother thinks she may be attacked by wolves and bears. I told Hunter and Ewan not to scare the wolves and bears!
Am hoping to be able to make the kids own lunch soon, as they are forced by law? to eat the food the school provides, which is so often over cooked vegies, pasta, pasta, pasta and average fruit. l am told that l can pick them up and take them away for lunch, as bringing food from outside in to the school is not allowed, this may be a rule from the mother who is afraid of the wolves and bears. So the boys and l will be having lunch in some shaded piazza, maybe doing some drawing a few days a week, or until l can't bare it anymore.
So that is that, Jayne and l are well, and happy, and spring is here, the days are delightful.